Friendly Neighborhood IT Guy


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Tech Genius

"It's not what I crash, but what I patch that defines me."


Over the years I've read hundreds of tech guides that have helped me at work and at home. A lot of times I'd have to glean info from a bunch of different guides to get my answers or worse yet, search through countless forum posts to point me in the right direction. Well, I thought it was time to start contributing to my fellow IT peeps and write my own tech blog. I intend to share tips and guides on a variety of tech topics as well as having the added benefit of this being my own little documentation forget things when you get older kids. I hope you enjoy my posts and save yourself some headaches by learning from mine.


"I was dis close to being impressed!"


  • Profession: IT Consultant
  • Experience: Over 15 Years in the IT game
  • Geek Hobbies: Binge Watching TV & Movies, Comics, Gaming & Generally Anything Tech
  • Non-Geek Hobbies: Sports, Running & Napping

Chase Me